Our #1 priority
Like a bank, Filehaven has various layers of protection between the outside world and the data you choose to share. We protect your messages and documents using encryption and only decrypt data once we’ve verified an individual’s access.
However, unlike banks, we choose to encrypt the messages and files you share using an encryption method that’s internationally trusted to use with top secret data [source].
Most banks and financial institutions use 128 bit encryption but Filehaven goes above and beyond that with 256 bit encryption (AES 256); making it much harder for anyone to hack or interpret the information you share.
For an overview on the effects of encryption lengths, we recommend reading this article from Privacy Australia.
How we protect
Filehaven has been designed to ensure that your data, and your interactions remain private. We’re not in the business of monetising any data we collect on our users and instead take the approach of collecting as little information as we can.
Due to the encryption used across the platform, the only information we (at Codepotato) can see is the name of a business, the names of the team members, their email address and the subscription status. The rest is locked down, even to us.
We don’t track you and your interactions on Filehaven. On the business side of Filehaven we use Intercom to help us provide support (sales and user) but that’s the only intrusion we make whilst working with Filehaven.